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Adphi e767de2c83
docs: update cli reference
Signed-off-by: Adphi <philippe.adrien.nousse@gmail.com>
2022-09-10 19:41:33 +02:00

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## d2vm convert
Convert Docker image to vm image
d2vm convert [docker image] [flags]
### Options
--append-to-cmdline string Extra kernel cmdline arguments to append to the generated one
-f, --force Override output qcow2 image
-h, --help help for convert
--network-manager string Network manager to use for the image: none, netplan, ifupdown
-o, --output string The output image, the extension determine the image format, raw will be used if none. Supported formats: qcow2 qed raw vdi vhd vmdk (default "disk0.qcow2")
-p, --password string The Root user password (default "root")
--pull Always pull docker image
--raw Just convert the container to virtual machine image without installing anything more
-s, --size string The output image size (default "10G")
### Options inherited from parent commands
-v, --verbose Enable Verbose output
* [d2vm](d2vm.md) -