**Current state:** a user invokes `ipython` and is provided with the IPython instance regarding the `$PATH`.
**Proposed state:** a user invokes `ipython` (which is a new alias in the *python plugin*) and is provided with the proper IPython instance regarding the currently activated virtualenv.
**Example:** the user's default Python is 2.7 with installed IPython 2.7. User activates Python 3.5 virtualenv where he installs IPython 3.5. After activating the environment, one expects `ipython` to run the version of 3.5, which does not happen by default. Instead, IPython 2.7 is used, which in counter-intuitive and often causes problem.
This PR solves this problem.
* Improve UX for Spotify commands in osx plugin
Spotify command UX is a bit weak for people who live and work almost entirely in shells.
- `spotify quit` should not open Spotify if it is not already running. Should confirm that Spotify is indeed not running.
- `spotify quit` should not blow away the user's shell once Spotify is quit. This can be a disruption to work flow.
This PR looks to add a few little checks which will help improve this experience.
This PR also adds a space to line 477 between `break` and `;;` for consistency. Doesn't seem like a big enough change to put in its own PR.
* Rearranging output as per peer feedback
* osx plugin's spotify: change quitting w/ closing
Closing is more idiomatic English.
* Add a React Native alias, and one to start the web server
* Reorganise aliases in react-native plugin
* Update README for react-native plugin:
Fix format and add a brief description
Add missing aliases in react-native plugin README
Although `gaa` (git add --all) is cool, it stages every file, tracked or
not, if it is not on .gitignore.
Sometimes we want to just stage everything we are working on, that is
already tracked. For that reason, 'gau' can save us some time.
Currently, only tasks with complete subproject specifier are added to
.gradletasknamecache. Gradle commands can be called for all (sub-)projects
they are defined for, using their name as defined in the subproject, here
called "simple" task names. One example is "gradle clean".
This patch adds support for parsing out those "simple" task names from the list
of fully specified task names. The .gradletasknamecache file will contain
both the fully specified names, and the "simple" names for your autocompletion
Sourcing oh-my-zsh happens in zshrc, which will override settings of
profile and zshenv. Treat misc values, `PAGER` and `LESS`, as default
settings without overriding existing values.
Fixes: #1, robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh#3016
`gls` seems to be installed by default or on most macOS systems, but its
default color scheme sucks. This fix will make sure to only use it if it
has been customised prior to running OMZ.
Related: #5516, #5520.