package service import ( "fmt" "strings" env "" "" ) const ( serverAddress = "address" insecure = "insecure" reflection = "reflection" caCert = "ca-cert" serverCert = "server-cert" serverKey = "server-key" ) var u = strings.ToUpper func NewFlagSet() (*pflag.FlagSet, Option) { var ( optAddress string optInsecure bool optReflection bool optCACert string optCert string optKey string ) flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("gRPC", pflag.ContinueOnError) flags.StringVarP(&optAddress, serverAddress, "a", env.GetDefault(u(serverAddress), ""), "Bind address for the server, e.g."+flagEnv(serverAddress)) flags.BoolVar(&optInsecure, insecure, env.GetBoolDefault(u(insecure), false), "Do not generate self signed certificate if none provided"+flagEnv(insecure)) flags.BoolVar(&optReflection, reflection, env.GetBoolDefault(u(reflection), false), "Enable gRPC reflection server"+flagEnv(reflection)) flags.StringVar(&optCACert, caCert, "", "Path to Root CA certificate"+flagEnv(caCert)) flags.StringVar(&optCert, serverCert, "", "Path to Server certificate"+flagEnv(serverCert)) flags.StringVar(&optKey, serverKey, "", "Path to Server key"+flagEnv(serverKey)) return flags, func(o *options) { o.address = optAddress = !optInsecure o.reflection = optReflection // o.caCert = optCACert // o.cert = optCert // o.key = optKey } } func flagEnv(name string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(" [$%s]", strings.Replace(u(name), "-", "_", -1)) }