
449 lines
12 KiB

package run
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
qemuNetworkingNone string = "none"
qemuNetworkingUser = "user"
qemuNetworkingTap = "tap"
qemuNetworkingBridge = "bridge"
qemuNetworkingDefault = qemuNetworkingUser
var (
defaultArch string
defaultAccel string
enableGUI bool
disks Disks
data string
accel string
arch string
cpus uint
mem uint
qemuCmd string
qemuDetached bool
networking string
publishFlags MultipleFlag
deviceFlags MultipleFlag
usbEnabled bool
QemuCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "qemu [options] [image-path]",
Short: "Run the virtual machine image with qemu",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Run: Qemu,
func init() {
switch runtime.GOARCH {
case "arm64":
defaultArch = "aarch64"
case "amd64":
defaultArch = "x86_64"
case "s390x":
defaultArch = "s390x"
switch {
case runtime.GOARCH == "s390x":
defaultAccel = "kvm"
case haveKVM():
defaultAccel = "kvm:tcg"
case runtime.GOOS == "darwin":
defaultAccel = "hvf:tcg"
flags := QemuCmd.Flags()
flags.BoolVar(&enableGUI, "gui", false, "Set qemu to use video output instead of stdio")
// Paths and settings for disks
flags.Var(&disks, "disk", "Disk config, may be repeated. [file=]path[,size=1G][,format=qcow2]")
flags.StringVar(&data, "data", "", "String of metadata to pass to VM")
// VM configuration
flags.StringVar(&accel, "accel", defaultAccel, "Choose acceleration mode. Use 'tcg' to disable it.")
flags.StringVar(&arch, "arch", defaultArch, "Type of architecture to use, e.g. x86_64, aarch64, s390x")
flags.UintVar(&cpus, "cpus", 1, "Number of CPUs")
flags.UintVar(&mem, "mem", 1024, "Amount of memory in MB")
// Backend configuration
flags.StringVar(&qemuCmd, "qemu", "", "Path to the qemu binary (otherwise look in $PATH)")
flags.BoolVar(&qemuDetached, "detached", false, "Set qemu container to run in the background")
// Networking
flags.StringVar(&networking, "networking", qemuNetworkingDefault, "Networking mode. Valid options are 'default', 'user', 'bridge[,name]', tap[,name] and 'none'. 'user' uses QEMUs userspace networking. 'bridge' connects to a preexisting bridge. 'tap' uses a prexisting tap device. 'none' disables networking.`")
flags.Var(&publishFlags, "publish", "Publish a vm's port(s) to the host (default [])")
// USB devices
flags.BoolVar(&usbEnabled, "usb", false, "Enable USB controller")
flags.Var(&deviceFlags, "device", "Add USB host device(s). Format driver[,prop=value][,...] -- add device, like --device on the qemu command line.")
func Qemu(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Generate UUID, so that /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid is populated
vmUUID := uuid.New()
// These envvars override the corresponding command line
// options. So this must remain after the `flags.Parse` above.
accel = GetStringValue("LINUXKIT_QEMU_ACCEL", accel, "")
path := args[0]
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
for i, d := range disks {
id := ""
if i != 0 {
id = strconv.Itoa(i)
if d.Size != 0 && d.Format == "" {
d.Format = "qcow2"
if d.Size != 0 && d.Path == "" {
d.Path = "disk" + id + ".img"
if d.Path == "" {
log.Fatalf("disk specified with no size or name")
disks[i] = d
disks = append(Disks{DiskConfig{Path: path}}, disks...)
if networking == "" || networking == "default" {
dflt := qemuNetworkingDefault
networking = dflt
netMode := strings.SplitN(networking, ",", 2)
var netdevConfig string
switch netMode[0] {
case qemuNetworkingUser:
netdevConfig = "user,id=t0"
case qemuNetworkingTap:
if len(netMode) != 2 {
log.Fatalf("Not enough arguments for %q networking mode", qemuNetworkingTap)
if len(publishFlags) != 0 {
log.Fatalf("Port publishing requires %q networking mode", qemuNetworkingUser)
netdevConfig = fmt.Sprintf("tap,id=t0,ifname=%s,script=no,downscript=no", netMode[1])
case qemuNetworkingBridge:
if len(netMode) != 2 {
log.Fatalf("Not enough arguments for %q networking mode", qemuNetworkingBridge)
if len(publishFlags) != 0 {
log.Fatalf("Port publishing requires %q networking mode", qemuNetworkingUser)
netdevConfig = fmt.Sprintf("bridge,id=t0,br=%s", netMode[1])
case qemuNetworkingNone:
if len(publishFlags) != 0 {
log.Fatalf("Port publishing requires %q networking mode", qemuNetworkingUser)
netdevConfig = ""
log.Fatalf("Invalid networking mode: %s", netMode[0])
config := QemuConfig{
Path: path,
GUI: enableGUI,
Disks: disks,
Arch: arch,
CPUs: cpus,
Memory: mem,
Accel: accel,
Detached: qemuDetached,
QemuBinPath: qemuCmd,
PublishedPorts: publishFlags,
NetdevConfig: netdevConfig,
USB: usbEnabled,
Devices: deviceFlags,
config, err := discoverBinaries(config)
if err != nil {
if err = runQemuLocal(config); err != nil {
func runQemuLocal(config QemuConfig) error {
var args []string
config, args = buildQemuCmdline(config)
for _, d := range config.Disks {
// If disk doesn't exist then create one
if _, err := os.Stat(d.Path); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Debugf("Creating new qemu disk [%s] format %s", d.Path, d.Format)
qemuImgCmd := exec.Command(config.QemuImgPath, "create", "-f", d.Format, d.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%dM", d.Size))
log.Debugf("%v", qemuImgCmd.Args)
if err := qemuImgCmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating disk [%s] format %s: %s", d.Path, d.Format, err.Error())
} else {
return err
} else {
log.Infof("Using existing disk [%s] format %s", d.Path, d.Format)
// Detached mode is only supported in a container.
if config.Detached == true {
return fmt.Errorf("Detached mode is only supported when running in a container, not locally")
qemuCmd := exec.Command(config.QemuBinPath, args...)
// If verbosity is enabled print out the full path/arguments
log.Debugf("%v", qemuCmd.Args)
// If we're not using a separate window then link the execution to stdin/out
if config.GUI != true {
qemuCmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
qemuCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
qemuCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return qemuCmd.Run()
func buildQemuCmdline(config QemuConfig) (QemuConfig, []string) {
// Iterate through the flags and build arguments
var qemuArgs []string
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-smp", fmt.Sprintf("%d", config.CPUs))
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-m", fmt.Sprintf("%d", config.Memory))
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-uuid", config.UUID.String())
// Need to specify the vcpu type when running qemu on arm64 platform, for security reason,
// the vcpu should be "host" instead of other names such as "cortex-a53"...
if config.Arch == "aarch64" {
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-cpu", "host")
} else {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-cpu", "cortex-a57")
// goArch is the GOARCH equivalent of config.Arch
var goArch string
switch config.Arch {
case "s390x":
goArch = "s390x"
case "aarch64":
goArch = "arm64"
case "x86_64":
goArch = "amd64"
log.Fatalf("%s is an unsupported architecture.", config.Arch)
if goArch != runtime.GOARCH {
log.Infof("Disable acceleration as %s != %s", config.Arch, runtime.GOARCH)
config.Accel = ""
if config.Accel != "" {
switch config.Arch {
case "s390x":
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", fmt.Sprintf("s390-ccw-virtio,accel=%s", config.Accel))
case "aarch64":
gic := ""
// VCPU supports less PA bits (36) than requested by the memory map (40)
highmem := "highmem=off,"
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
// gic-version=host requires KVM, which implies Linux
gic = "gic_version=host,"
highmem = ""
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", fmt.Sprintf("virt,%s%saccel=%s", gic, highmem, config.Accel))
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", fmt.Sprintf("q35,accel=%s", config.Accel))
} else {
switch config.Arch {
case "s390x":
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", "s390-ccw-virtio")
case "aarch64":
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", "virt")
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-machine", "q35")
// rng-random does not work on macOS
// Temporarily disable it until fixed upstream.
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
rng := "rng-random,id=rng0"
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
rng = rng + ",filename=/dev/urandom"
if config.Arch == "s390x" {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-object", rng, "-device", "virtio-rng-ccw,rng=rng0")
} else {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-object", rng, "-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0")
var lastDisk int
for i, d := range config.Disks {
index := i
if d.Format != "" {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-drive", "file="+d.Path+",format="+d.Format+",index="+strconv.Itoa(index)+",media=disk")
} else {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-drive", "file="+d.Path+",index="+strconv.Itoa(index)+",media=disk")
lastDisk = index
// Ensure CDROMs start from at least hdc
if lastDisk < 2 {
lastDisk = 2
if config.NetdevConfig == "" {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-net", "none")
} else {
mac := generateMAC()
if config.Arch == "s390x" {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-device", "virtio-net-ccw,netdev=t0,mac="+mac.String())
} else {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=t0,mac="+mac.String())
forwardings, err := buildQemuForwardings(config.PublishedPorts)
if err != nil {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-netdev", config.NetdevConfig+forwardings)
if config.GUI != true {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-nographic")
if config.USB == true {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-usb")
for _, d := range config.Devices {
qemuArgs = append(qemuArgs, "-device", d)
return config, qemuArgs
func discoverBinaries(config QemuConfig) (QemuConfig, error) {
if config.QemuImgPath != "" {
return config, nil
qemuBinPath := "qemu-system-" + config.Arch
qemuImgPath := "qemu-img"
var err error
config.QemuBinPath, err = exec.LookPath(qemuBinPath)
if err != nil {
return config, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find %s within the $PATH", qemuBinPath)
config.QemuImgPath, err = exec.LookPath(qemuImgPath)
if err != nil {
return config, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find %s within the $PATH", qemuImgPath)
return config, nil
func buildQemuForwardings(publishFlags MultipleFlag) (string, error) {
if len(publishFlags) == 0 {
return "", nil
var forwardings string
for _, publish := range publishFlags {
p, err := NewPublishedPort(publish)
if err != nil {
return "", err
hostPort := p.Host
guestPort := p.Guest
forwardings = fmt.Sprintf("%s,hostfwd=%s::%d-:%d", forwardings, p.Protocol, hostPort, guestPort)
return forwardings, nil
func buildDockerForwardings(publishedPorts []string) ([]string, error) {
pmap := []string{}
for _, port := range publishedPorts {
s, err := NewPublishedPort(port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pmap = append(pmap, "-p", fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d/%s", s.Host, s.Guest, s.Protocol))
return pmap, nil
// QemuConfig contains the config for Qemu
type QemuConfig struct {
Path string
GUI bool
Disks Disks
FWPath string
Arch string
CPUs uint
Memory uint
Accel string
Detached bool
QemuBinPath string
QemuImgPath string
PublishedPorts []string
NetdevConfig string
USB bool
Devices []string
func haveKVM() bool {
_, err := os.Stat("/dev/kvm")
return !os.IsNotExist(err)
func generateMAC() net.HardwareAddr {
mac := make([]byte, 6)
n, err := rand.Read(mac)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to generate random mac address")
if n != 6 {
log.WithError(err).Fatalf("generated %d bytes for random mac address", n)
mac[0] &^= 0x01 // Clear multicast bit
mac[0] |= 0x2 // Set locally administered bit
return net.HardwareAddr(mac)