package run import ( "os" "runtime" log "" "" "" ) const ( qemuNetworkingNone string = "none" qemuNetworkingUser = "user" qemuNetworkingTap = "tap" qemuNetworkingBridge = "bridge" qemuNetworkingDefault = qemuNetworkingUser ) var ( defaultArch string defaultAccel string enableGUI bool disks Disks data string accel string arch string cpus uint mem uint bios string qemuCmd string qemuDetached bool networking string publishFlags MultipleFlag QemuCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "qemu [options] [image-path]", Short: "Run the virtual machine image with qemu", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), Run: Qemu, } ) func init() { switch runtime.GOARCH { case "arm64": defaultArch = "aarch64" case "amd64": defaultArch = "x86_64" case "s390x": defaultArch = "s390x" } switch { case runtime.GOARCH == "s390x": defaultAccel = "kvm" case haveKVM(): defaultAccel = "kvm:tcg" case runtime.GOOS == "darwin": defaultAccel = "hvf:tcg" } flags := QemuCmd.Flags() flags.BoolVar(&enableGUI, "gui", false, "Set qemu to use video output instead of stdio") // Paths and settings for disks flags.Var(&disks, "disk", "Disk config, may be repeated. [file=]path[,size=1G][,format=qcow2]") // VM configuration flags.StringVar(&accel, "accel", defaultAccel, "Choose acceleration mode. Use 'tcg' to disable it.") flags.StringVar(&arch, "arch", defaultArch, "Type of architecture to use, e.g. x86_64, aarch64, s390x") flags.UintVar(&cpus, "cpus", 1, "Number of CPUs") flags.UintVar(&mem, "mem", 1024, "Amount of memory in MB") flags.StringVar(&bios, "bios", "", "Path to the optional bios binary") // Backend configuration flags.StringVar(&qemuCmd, "qemu", "", "Path to the qemu binary (otherwise look in $PATH)") flags.BoolVar(&qemuDetached, "detached", false, "Set qemu container to run in the background") // Networking flags.StringVar(&networking, "networking", qemuNetworkingDefault, "Networking mode. Valid options are 'default', 'user', 'bridge[,name]', tap[,name] and 'none'. 'user' uses QEMUs userspace networking. 'bridge' connects to a preexisting bridge. 'tap' uses a prexisting tap device. 'none' disables networking.`") flags.Var(&publishFlags, "publish", "Publish a vm's port(s) to the host (default [])") } func Qemu(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { path := args[0] if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var publishedPorts []PublishedPort for _, publish := range publishFlags { p, err := NewPublishedPort(publish) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } publishedPorts = append(publishedPorts, p) } opts := []qemu.Option{ qemu.WithDisks(disks...), qemu.WithAccel(accel), qemu.WithArch(arch), qemu.WithCPUs(cpus), qemu.WithMemory(mem), qemu.WithNetworking(networking), qemu.WithStdin(os.Stdin), qemu.WithStdout(os.Stdout), qemu.WithStderr(os.Stderr), qemu.WithBios(bios), } if enableGUI { opts = append(opts, qemu.WithGUI()) } if qemuDetached { opts = append(opts, qemu.WithDetached()) } if err := qemu.Run(cmd.Context(), path, opts...); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func haveKVM() bool { _, err := os.Stat("/dev/kvm") return !os.IsNotExist(err) }