FROM {{ .Image }} USER root RUN ARCH="$([ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && echo amd64 || echo arm64)"; \ apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \ linux-image-virtual \ initramfs-tools \ systemd-sysv \ systemd \ {{- if .Grub }} grub-common \ grub2-common \ {{- end }} {{- if .GrubBIOS }} grub-pc-bin \ {{- end }} {{- if .GrubEFI }} grub-efi-${ARCH}-bin \ {{- end }} dbus \ isc-dhcp-client \ iproute2 \ iputils-ping && \ find /boot -type l -exec rm {} \; RUN systemctl preset-all {{ if .Password }}RUN echo "root:{{ .Password }}" | chpasswd {{ end }} {{ if eq .NetworkManager "netplan" }} RUN apt install -y RUN mkdir -p /etc/netplan && printf '\ network:\n\ version: 2\n\ renderer: networkd\n\ ethernets:\n\ eth0:\n\ dhcp4: true\n\ dhcp-identifier: mac\n\ nameservers:\n\ addresses:\n\ -\n\ -\n\ ' > /etc/netplan/00-netcfg.yaml {{ else if eq .NetworkManager "ifupdown"}} RUN if [ -z "$(apt-cache madison ifupdown-ng 2> /dev/nul)" ]; then apt install -y ifupdown; else apt install -y ifupdown-ng; fi RUN mkdir -p /etc/network && printf '\ auto eth0\n\ allow-hotplug eth0\n\ iface eth0 inet dhcp\n\ ' > /etc/network/interfaces {{ end }} {{- if .Luks }} RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cryptsetup-initramfs && \ update-initramfs -u -v {{- end }} # needs to be after update-initramfs {{- if not .Grub }} RUN mv $(find /boot -name 'vmlinuz-*') /boot/vmlinuz && \ mv $(find /boot -name 'initrd.img-*') /boot/initrd.img {{- end }}