#!/usr/bin/env bash OUT="/dev/null" if [[ -n "$DEBUG" ]]; then set -x OUT="/dev/stderr" fi set -e SRC=${1:-rootfs.tar} DISK_NAME=${2:-disk0} SIZE=${3:-10G} BLOCK="$DISK_NAME.raw" QCOW2="$DISK_NAME.qcow2" MOUNTPOINT=/mnt cleanup() { rm -rf $BLOCK } make_img() { echo "Creating raw image of size $SIZE" fallocate -l $SIZE $BLOCK &> $OUT ( echo n # Add a new partition echo p # Primary partition echo 1 # Partition number echo # First sector (Accept default: 1) echo # Last sector (Accept default: varies) echo a echo w # Write changes ) | fdisk $BLOCK &> $OUT } mount_img() { echo "Mounting image" DEVICE_ROOT=$(losetup --show -f $BLOCK) kpartx -v -a $DEVICE_ROOT &> $OUT DEVICE=/dev/mapper/"$(basename ${DEVICE_ROOT})p1" mkfs.ext4 $DEVICE &> $OUT mount $DEVICE $MOUNTPOINT } unmount_img() { echo "Unmounting image" umount $MOUNTPOINT/ kpartx -d $DEVICE_ROOT &> $OUT losetup -d $DEVICE_ROOT &> $OUT } copy_rootfs() { echo "Copying root file system" tar -xvf $SRC -C $MOUNTPOINT &> $OUT } setup_rootfs() { echo "Setting up root file system" uuid=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $DEVICE) mkdir -p $MOUNTPOINT/etc/ echo "UUID=$uuid / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1" > $MOUNTPOINT/etc/fstab echo "nameserver" > $MOUNTPOINT/etc/resolv.conf echo localhost > $MOUNTPOINT/etc/hostname cat < $MOUNTPOINT/etc/hosts localhost # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts EOF rm -rf $MOUNTPOINT/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d } install_kernel() { echo "Installing linux kernel" extlinux --install $MOUNTPOINT/boot/ &> $OUT cat < $MOUNTPOINT/boot/syslinux.cfg DEFAULT linux SAY Now booting the kernel from EXTLINUX... LABEL linux KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz APPEND ro root=/dev/sda1 initrd=/boot/initrd.img net.ifnames=0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 EOF } setup_mbr() { echo "Setting up boot loader" dd if=/usr/lib/EXTLINUX/mbr.bin of=$BLOCK bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc &> $OUT } convert() { echo "Converting image to QCOW2" echo "" qemu-img convert $BLOCK -O qcow2 $QCOW2 } cleanup make_img mount_img copy_rootfs setup_rootfs install_kernel unmount_img setup_mbr convert