## d2vm run vbox Run the virtual machine image with Virtualbox ``` d2vm run vbox [options] image-path [flags] ``` ### Options ``` --cpus uint Number of CPUs (default 1) --disk disk Disk config, may be repeated. [file=]path[,size=1G][,format=raw] (default []) --gui Show the VM GUI -h, --help help for vbox --mem uint Amount of memory in MB (default 1024) --name string Name of the Virtualbox VM --networking vbnetworks Network config, may be repeated. [type=](null|nat|bridged|intnet|hostonly|generic|natnetwork[])[,[bridge|host]adapter=] (default []) --vboxmanage string VBoxManage binary to use (default "VBoxManage") ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ``` -v, --verbose Enable Verbose output ``` ### SEE ALSO * [d2vm run](d2vm_run.md) - Run the virtual machine image