#!/usr/bin/env bash . $HOME/demo-magic TYPE_SPEED=20 EXEC_WAIT=1 DEMO_PROMPT="${PURPLE}➜ ${PURPLE}\W " defer_kill_htop() { sleep 8 pkill htop } resize print_prompt sleep 2 pei "# Nice auto login ;)" PROMPT_TIMEOUT=1 wait if ! $(ps aux|grep -e "sshd: adphi" | grep -v grep &> /dev/null); then pei "# Is the network configured ?" pei "ip a" pei "# But is it trully working ?" pei "ping -c 5 linka.cloud" fi pei "# Now let's take a look at CPU and Memory usage..." wait defer_kill_htop & pei "htop" pei "# Let's see disk usage..." PROMPT_TIMEOUT=3 pei "df -hT" wait pei "# Pretty small right ? ;)" PROMPT_TIMEOUT=1 wait pei "sudo poweroff"