--arch string Type of architecture to use, e.g. x86_64, aarch64, s390x (default "x86_64")
--cpus uint Number of CPUs (default 1)
--data string String of metadata to pass to VM; error to specify both -data and -data-file
--detached Set qemu container to run in the background
--device multiple-flag Add USB host device(s). Format driver[,prop=value][,...] -- add device, like -device on the qemu command line. (default A multiple flag is a type of flag that can be repeated any number of times)
--disk disk Disk config, may be repeated. [file=]path[,size=1G][,format=qcow2] (default [])
--gui Set qemu to use video output instead of stdio
-h, --help help for qemu
--mem uint Amount of memory in MB (default 1024)
--networking string Networking mode. Valid options are 'default', 'user', 'bridge[,name]', tap[,name] and 'none'. 'user' uses QEMUs userspace networking. 'bridge' connects to a preexisting bridge. 'tap' uses a prexisting tap device. 'none' disables networking.` (default "user")
--publish multiple-flag Publish a vm's port(s) to the host (default []) (default A multiple flag is a type of flag that can be repeated any number of times)
--qemu string Path to the qemu binary (otherwise look in $PATH)
--usb Enable USB controller
### Options inherited from parent commands
-v, --verbose Enable Verbose output
* [d2vm run](d2vm_run.md) - Run the virtual machine image