Added rails3, made git consistent with code sections

pferdefleisch 2012-01-10 03:09:52 -08:00
parent 275125a3be
commit 8d81f152ed

@ -29,15 +29,29 @@ h2. Dynamic access to current branch name with the current_branch function
* @grb publish $(current_branch) origin@
h2. Helpful aliases for common git tasks
* @g@ - git
* @gst@ - git status
* @gl@ - git pull
* @gup@ - git fetch && git rebase
* @gp@ - git push
* @gd@ - git diff | mate
* @gdv@ - git diff -w "$@" | vim -R -
* @gc@ - git commit -v
* @gca@ - git commit -v -a
* @gco@ - git checkout
* @gb@ - git branch
* @gba@ - git branch -a
* @g@ - @git@
* @gst@ - @git status@
* @gl@ - @git pull@
* @gup@ - @git fetch && git rebase@
* @gp@ - @git push@
* @gd@ - @git diff | mate@
* @gdv@ - <code>git diff -w "$@" | vim -</code>
* @gc@ - @git commit -v@
* @gca@ - @git commit -v -a@
* @gco@ - @git checkout@
* @gb@ - @git branch@
* @gba@ - @git branch -a@
h1. Rails3
* @rc@ - @rails console@
* @rd@ - @rails destroy@
* @rdb@ - @rails dbconsole@
* @rdbm@ - @rake db:migrate db:test:clone@
* @rg@ - @rails generate@
* @rp@ - @rails plugin@
* @rs@ - @rails server@
* @rsd@ - @rails server --debugger@
* @devlog@ - @tail -f log/development.log@
* @rdm@ - @rake db:migrate@
* @rdr@ - @rake db:rollback@