Sebastian Gniazdowski e2d157d589 znt: update to v2.1.15
2016-05-16 16:29:17 +02:00

97 lines
3.8 KiB

autoload colors
local h1="$fg_bold[cyan]"
local h2="$fg_bold[green]"
local h3="$fg_bold[blue]"
local h4="$fg_bold[yellow]"
local h5="$fg_bold[magenta]"
local rst="$reset_color"
LESS="-iRc" less <<<"
${h1}Key Bindings${rst}
${h2}H${rst}, ${h2}?${rst} (from n-history) - run n-help
${h2}Ctrl-A${rst} - rotate entered words (1+2+3 -> 3+1+2)
${h2}Ctrl-F${rst} - fix mode (approximate matching)
${h2}Ctrl-L${rst} - redraw of whole display
${h2}Ctrl-T${rst} - browse themes (next theme)
${h2}Ctrl-G${rst} - browse themes (previous theme)
${h2}Ctrl-U${rst} - half page up
${h2}Ctrl-D${rst} - half page down
${h2}Ctrl-P${rst} - previous element (also done with vim's k)
${h2}Ctrl-N${rst} - next element (also done with vim's j)
${h2}[${rst}, ${h2}]${rst} - jump directory bookmarks in n-cd and typical signals in n-kill
${h2}g, ${h2}G${rst} - beginning and end of the list
${h2}/${rst} - show incremental search
${h2}F3${rst} - show/hide incremental search
${h2}Esc${rst} - exit incremental search, clearing filter
${h2}Ctrl-W${rst} (in incremental search) - delete whole word
${h2}Ctrl-K${rst} (in incremental search) - delete whole line
${h2}Ctrl-O, ${h2}o${rst} - enter uniq mode (no duplicate lines)
${h2}Ctrl-E, ${h2}e${rst} - edit private history (when in private history view)
${h2}F1${rst} - (in n-history) - switch view
${h2}F2${rst}, ${h2}Ctrl-X${rst}, ${h2}Ctrl-/${rst} - search predefined keywords (defined in config files)
${h1}Configuration files${rst}
Location of the files is ${h3}~/.config/znt${rst}. Skeletons are copied there
when using ${h3}zsh-navigation-tools.plugin.zsh${rst} file (sourcing it or using
a plugin manager). There's a main config file ${h3}n-list.conf${rst} and files
for each tool.
To have a skeleton copied again into ${h3}~/.config/znt${rst}, delete it from
there and restart Zsh a few times (3-7 or so; there's a random check
that optimizes startup time).
${h1}Predefined search keywords${rst}
Following block of code in e.g. ${h3}~/.config/znt/n-history.conf${rst} defines
set of keywords that can be invoked (i.e. searched for) via ${h2}F2${rst}, ${h2}Ctrl-X${rst}
or ${h2}Ctrl-/${rst}:
${h4}# Search keywords, iterated with F2 or Ctrl-X or Ctrl-/${rst}
${h2}local${rst} -a keywords
keywords=( ${h2}\"git\" \"vim\" \"mplayer\"${rst} )
${h1}Search query rotation${rst}
When searching, after pressing ${h2}Ctrl-A${rst}, words 1 2 3 will become 3 1 2, etc.
This can be used to edit some not-last word.
${h1}Fix mode${rst}
Approximate matching - pressing ${h2}f${rst} or ${h2}Ctrl-F${rst} will enter "FIX" mode, in which
1 or 2 errors are allowed in what's searched. This utilizes original Zsh
approximate matching features and is intended to be used after entering
search query, when a typo is discovered.
${h1}Color themes${rst}
Following block of code in ${h3}~/.config/znt/n-list.conf${rst} defines set of
themes that can be browsed with ${h2}Ctrl-T${rst} and ${h2}Ctrl-G${rst}:
${h4}# Combinations of colors to try out with Ctrl-T and Ctrl-G
# The last number is the bold option, 0 or 1${rst}
${h2}local${rst} -a themes
themes=( ${h2}\"white/black/1\" \"green/black/0\" \"green/black/1\"${rst}
${h2}\"white/blue/0\" \"white/blue/1\" \"magenta/black/0\"${rst}
${h2}\"magenta/black/1\"${rst} )
It's \"foreground/background/bold\". There's support for 256-color themes
for Zsh > 5.2, defined like e.g.:
themes=( ${h2}\"white/17/0\" \"10/17/1\" \"white/24/1\"${rst} )
i.e. with use of numbers, from 0 to 254.
${h1}Private history${rst}
N-history stores what's selected in its own history file. It can be
edited. Use ${h2}e${rst} or ${h2}Ctrl-E${rst} for that when in n-history. Your \$EDITOR will
start. This is a way to have handy set of bookmarks prepared in private
history's file.
Private history is instantly shared among sessions.