Marc Cornellà aa5279f2dc
Fix typo that resulted in math error (#6731)
[emotty] fix typo that resulted in math error
2018-04-15 15:20:26 +02:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: emotty.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: Return an emoji for the current $TTY number.
# AUTHOR: Alexis Hildebrandt (afh[at]surryhill.net)
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# DEPENDS: emoji plugin
# There are different sets of emoji characters available, to choose a different
# set export emotty_set to the name of the set you would like to use, e.g.:
# % export emotty_set=nature
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typeset -gAH _emotty_sets
local _emotty_plugin_dir="${0:h}"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_stellar_set.zsh"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_floral_set.zsh"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_zodiac_set.zsh"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_nature_set.zsh"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_emoji_set.zsh"
source "$_emotty_plugin_dir/emotty_love_set.zsh"
unset _emotty_plugin_dir
function emotty() {
# Use emotty set defined by user, fallback to default
local emotty=${_emotty_sets[${emotty_set:-$emotty_default_set}]}
# Parse $TTY number, normalizing it to an emotty set index
(( tty = (${TTY##/dev/tty} % ${#${=emotty}}) + 1 ))
local character_name=${${=emotty}[tty]}
echo "${emoji[${character_name}]}${emoji2[emoji_style]}"
function display_emotty() {
local name=${1:-$emotty_set}
echo $name
for i in ${=_emotty_sets[$name]}; do
printf "${emoji[$i]}${emoji2[emoji_style]} "
for i in ${=_emotty_sets[$name]}; do
print "${emoji[$i]}${emoji2[emoji_style]} = $i"