Michael Hauser-Raspe 9e90bf0f23 Added v as a keybinding to edit-command-line
taken from [here](http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2008/msg01013.html)
We want pressing v in command mode to take us to an editor (defined by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR variable or vi) to edit the current contents of the command line which (I believe) is a standard feature of bash vi-mode or other readline prompts (see [here](http://www.catonmat.net/download/bash-vi-editing-mode-cheat-sheet.pdf) and [here](http://www.catonmat.net/blog/bash-vi-editing-mode-cheat-sheet/) for source).
2014-03-14 10:14:47 +00:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

# Ensures that $terminfo values are valid and updates editor information when
# the keymap changes.
function zle-keymap-select zle-line-init zle-line-finish {
# The terminal must be in application mode when ZLE is active for $terminfo
# values to be valid.
if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )); then
printf '%s' ${terminfo[smkx]}
if (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
printf '%s' ${terminfo[rmkx]}
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish
zle -N zle-keymap-select
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey -v
# allow v to edit the command line (standard behaviour)
autoload -Uz edit-command-line
bindkey -M vicmd 'v' edit-command-line
# if mode indicator wasn't setup by theme, define default
if [[ "$MODE_INDICATOR" == "" ]]; then
function vi_mode_prompt_info() {
echo "${${KEYMAP/vicmd/$MODE_INDICATOR}/(main|viins)/}"
# define right prompt, if it wasn't defined by a theme
if [[ "$RPS1" == "" && "$RPROMPT" == "" ]]; then