#!/bin/bash org(){ local org_loc=~/.config/org_notes.location if ! [ -e $org_loc ] || [ "$(cat $org_loc)" = "" ];then echo "Cannot find orgnotes git location. Please set the location in the file: $org_loc or run the install script." return -1 fi local org_dir=$(cat $org_loc) local file=$1 local delete=$2 case $file in "") #tree $(cat $org_loc) | grep -v '~' | sed "s||"; tree -CD -I '*~' -rt $org_dir\ | sed "s|${org_dir}|\nYou have the following org-mode notes:\n|"\ | sed -r 's|([^[].*)\s(\[.*\])\s(.*)|\t\2\t\1\3|' return -1; ;; -h);; --help) echo " `basename $0` [--delete] Generates an org-notes file in a folder location set in the $org_loc file "; return -1; ;; esac if [[ "$delete" =~ "--" ]]; then [ "$delete" != "--delete" ] && echo "Unable to parse: $delete" && return -1 fi local ext=$( echo $file | awk -F'.' '{print $NF}' ) [ "$ext" != ".org" ] && file=${file}.org if [ "$delete" = "--delete" ]; then local eloc=$org_dir/$file if [ -e $eloc ]; then echo -n "Remove $file? [y/n] "; read ans; [ "$ans" = "y" ] && rm $eloc && echo "Deleted." else echo "Cannot find $file. Aborting." fi else local dirn=`dirname $file` mkdir -p $org_dir/$dirn emacs $org_dir/$file fi } #fpath=(~/.zsh/completion $fpath) autoload -U compinit compinit