#!/bin/zsh # Kubernetes prompt helper for bash/zsh # Displays current context and namespace # Copyright 2017 Jon Mosco # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Debug [[ -n $DEBUG ]] && set -x setopt PROMPT_SUBST add-zsh-hook precmd _kube_ps1_load zmodload zsh/stat # Default values for the prompt # Override these values in ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT="${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT:=true}" KUBE_PS1_PREFIX="(" KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL="${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL:="⎈ "}" KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL_IMG="${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL_IMG:=false}" KUBE_PS1_SEPERATOR="|" KUBE_PS1_PLATFORM="${KUBE_PS1_PLATFORM:="kubectl"}" KUBE_PS1_DIVIDER=":" KUBE_PS1_SUFFIX=")" KUBE_PS1_UNAME=$(uname) KUBE_PS1_LAST_TIME=0 kube_ps1_label () { [[ "${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL_IMG}" == false ]] && return if [[ "${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL_IMG}" == true ]]; then local KUBE_LABEL="☸️ " fi KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL="${KUBE_LABEL}" } _kube_ps1_split() { type setopt >/dev/null 2>&1 && setopt SH_WORD_SPLIT local IFS=$1 echo $2 } _kube_ps1_file_newer_than() { local mtime local file=$1 local check_time=$2 mtime=$(stat +mtime "${file}") [ "${mtime}" -gt "${check_time}" ] } _kube_ps1_load() { # kubectl will read the environment variable $KUBECONFIG # otherwise set it to ~/.kube/config KUBECONFIG="${KUBECONFIG:=$HOME/.kube/config}" for conf in $(_kube_ps1_split : "${KUBECONFIG}"); do # TODO: check existence of $conf if _kube_ps1_file_newer_than "${conf}" "${KUBE_PS1_LAST_TIME}"; then _kube_ps1_get_context_ns return fi done } _kube_ps1_get_context_ns() { # Set the command time KUBE_PS1_LAST_TIME=$(date +%s) if [[ "${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT}" == true ]]; then local KUBE_BINARY="${KUBE_PS1_PLATFORM}" elif [[ "${KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT}" == false ]] && [[ "${KUBE_PS1_PLATFORM}" == "kubectl" ]];then local KUBE_BINARY="kubectl" elif [[ "${KUBE_PS1_PLATFORM}" == "oc" ]]; then local KUBE_BINARY="oc" fi KUBE_PS1_CONTEXT="$(${KUBE_BINARY} config current-context)" KUBE_PS1_NAMESPACE="$(${KUBE_BINARY} config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}')" # Set namespace to default if it is not defined KUBE_PS1_NAMESPACE="${KUBE_PS1_NAMESPACE:-default}" } # source our symbol kube_ps1_label # Build our prompt kube_ps1 () { local reset_color="%f" local blue="%F{blue}" local red="%F{red}" local cyan="%F{cyan}" KUBE_PS1="${reset_color}$KUBE_PS1_PREFIX" KUBE_PS1+="${blue}$KUBE_PS1_DEFAULT_LABEL" KUBE_PS1+="${reset_color}$KUBE_PS1_SEPERATOR" KUBE_PS1+="${red}$KUBE_PS1_CONTEXT${reset_color}" KUBE_PS1+="$KUBE_PS1_DIVIDER" KUBE_PS1+="${cyan}$KUBE_PS1_NAMESPACE${reset_color}" KUBE_PS1+="$KUBE_PS1_SUFFIX" echo "${KUBE_PS1}" }