#!/usr/bin/env zsh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FILE: emotty.zsh-theme # DESCRIPTION: A varying emoji based theme # AUTHOR: Alexis Hildebrandt (afh[at]surryhill.net) # VERSION: 1.0.0 # DEPENDS: emotty plugin # RECOMMENDS: Hasklig font # # This theme shows a different emoji for each tty at the main prompt. # # There are pre-defined different emoji sets to choose from, e.g.: # emoji, stellar, floral, zodiac, love (see emotty plugin). # # To choose a different emotty set than the default (emoji) # % export emotty_set=nature # # For the superuser (root) this theme shows a designated indicator # and switches the foreground color to red # (see root_prompt variable, default: skull). # But you are using sudo (8) instead of designated a root shell, right‽ # # When logged in via SSH the main prompt also shows the user- and hostname. # # The exit status of the last failed command is displayed in the window title # along with an indicator (see warn_glyph variable, default: collision symbol). # To clear it just run: $NULL, true or : # # The right prompt shows the current working directory (3 levels up) in cyan. # # When in a git repository the main prompt shows the current branch name # with a branch indicator in yellow # (see vcs_branch_glyph variable, default: Hasklig branch glyph). # # If there are modified files the prompt switches to red and shows an unstaged # indicator (see vcs_unstaged_glyph variable, default: circled letter M). # # If there are staged files the prompt switches to green and shows an staged # indicator (see vcs_staged_glyph variable, default: high voltage sign). # # In a git repository the right prompt shows the repository name in bold and # prepends the current working directory subpath within the repository. # # When git currently performs an action such as merge or rebase, the action is # displayed in red instead of the branch name and a special action indicator # is shown (see vcs_action_glyph variable, default: chevron). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ user_prompt="$(emotty)" root_prompt="$emoji[skull]" warn_prompt="$emoji[collision_symbol]" vcs_unstaged_glyph="%{$emoji[circled_latin_capital_letter_m]$emoji2[emoji_style] %2G%}" vcs_staged_glyph="%{$emoji[high_voltage_sign] %1G%}" vcs_branch_glyph=$(print -P $'\Ue0a0') #  vcs_action_glyph=$(print -P $'\U276f') # ❯ red="$FG[001]" yellow="$FG[003]" green="$FG[002]" cyan="$FG[014]" prompt_glyph="%{%(#.${root_prompt}.${user_prompt})%1G%}" # Uncomment the next line if you also like to see the warn_prompt in the prompt on the right. #last_command_failed="%(?.. %F{red}%1{${warn_prompt} %1G%}%?%f)" setopt promptsubst autoload -U add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz vcs_info zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git #hg svn cvs zstyle ':vcs_info:*' get-revision false zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' unstagedstr "${red}${vcs_unstaged_glyph}" zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr "${green}${vcs_staged_glyph}" # %(K|F){color} set (back|fore)ground color # %(k|f) reset (back|fore)ground color zstyle ':vcs_info:*' max-exports 3 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' nvcsformats "${prompt_glyph} " '%3~' '' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats "${yellow}%u%c%b${vcs_branch_glyph}%f" '%S|' "$FX[bold]%r$FX[no-bold]" zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats "${red}%K{white}%a${vcs_action_glyph}%k%f" '%S|' "$FX[bold]%r$FX[no-bold]" red_if_root="%(!.%F{red}.)" sshuser_on_host="${SSH_TTY:+%(!.$red.$yellow)%n@%m$reset_color}" PROMPT='${sshuser_on_host}${vcs_info_msg_0_}${red_if_root} ' RPROMPT='${cyan}${vcs_info_msg_1_##.|}${vcs_info_msg_2_}%f${last_command_failed}' emotty_title() { title "${${?/[^0]*/$warn_prompt $?}/0/${prompt_glyph}}" } add-zsh-hook precmd emotty_title add-zsh-hook precmd vcs_info # vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2