function _storm_commands() { local ret=1 state _arguments ':subcommand:->subcommand' && ret=0 case $state in subcommand) subcommands=( "activate:Activates the specified topology’s spouts." "classpath:Prints the classpath used by the storm client when running commands." "deactivate:Deactivates the specified topology’s spouts." "dev-zookeeper:Launches a fresh Zookeeper server for development/testing." "drpc:Launches a DRPC daemon." "help:Print usage." "jar:Runs the main method of class with the specified arguments." "kill:Kills the topology with the name topology-name." "localconfvalue:Prints out the value for conf-name in the local Storm configs." "logviewer:Launches the log viewer daemon." "rebalance:Spread out where the workers for a topology are running." "repl:Opens up a Clojure REPL with the storm jars and configuration on the classpath." "remoteconfvalue:Prints out the value for conf-name in the cluster’s Storm configs." "supervisor:Launches the supervisor daemon." "ui:Launches the UI daemon." "version:Print version." ) _describe -t subcommands 'storm subcommands' subcommands && ret=0 esac return ret } compdef _storm_commands storm