#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # update_emoji.pl # # This script generates the emoji.plugin.zsh emoji definitions from the Unicode # character data for the emoji characters. # # The data file can be found at http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt # as referenced in Unicode TR51 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/index.html). # # This is known to work with the data file from version 1.0. It may not work with later # versions if the format changes. In particular, this reads line comments to get the # emoji character name and unicode version. # # Country names have punctuation and other non-letter characters removed from their name, # to avoid possible complications with having to escape the strings when using them as # array subscripts. The definition file seems to use some combining characters like accents # that get stripped during this process. use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use autodie; use Path::Class; use File::Copy; # Parse definitions out of the data file and convert sub process_emoji_data_file { my ( $infile, $outfilename ) = @_; my $file = file($infile); my $outfile = file($outfilename); my $outfilebase = $outfile->basename(); my $tempfilename = "$outfilename.tmp"; my $tempfile = file($tempfilename); my $outfh = $tempfile->openw(); $outfh->print(" # $outfilebase - Emoji character definitions for oh-my-zsh emoji plugin # # This file is auto-generated by update_emoji.pl. Do not edit it manually. # # This contains the definition for: # \$emoji - which maps character names to Unicode characters # \$emoji_flags - maps country names to Unicode flag characters using region indicators # Main emoji typeset -gAH emoji # National flags typeset -gAH emoji_flags # Combining modifiers typeset -gAH emoji_mod "); my $fh = $file->openr(); my $line_num = 0; while ( my $line = $fh->getline() ) { $line_num++; $_ = $line; # Skip all-comment lines (from the header) and blank lines # (But don't strip comments on normal lines; we need to parse those for # the emoji names.) next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/; if (/^(\S.*?\S)\s*;\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*(\w.*?)\s*#\s*V(\S+)\s\(.*?\)\s*(\w.*\S)\s*$/) { my ($code, $style, $level, $modifier_status, $sources, $version, $keycap_name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); #print "code=$code style=$style level=$level modifier_status=$modifier_status sources=$sources version=$version name=$keycap_name\n"; my @code_points = split /\s+/, $code; my @sources = split /\s+/, $sources; my $flag_country = ""; if ( $keycap_name =~ /^flag for (\S.*?)\s*$/) { $flag_country = $1; } my $zsh_code = join '', map { "\\U$_" } @code_points; # Convert keycap names to valid associative array names that do not require any # quoting. Works fine for most stuff, but is clumsy for flags. my $omz_name = lc($keycap_name); $omz_name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; my $zsh_flag_country = $flag_country; $zsh_flag_country =~ s/[^\p{Letter}]/_/g; if ($flag_country) { $outfh->print("emoji_flags[$zsh_flag_country]=\$'$zsh_code'\n"); } else { $outfh->print("emoji[$omz_name]=\$'$zsh_code'\n"); } # Modifiers are included in both the main set and their separate map, # because they have a standalone representation as a color swatch. if ( $modifier_status == "modifier" ) { $outfh->print("emoji_mod[$omz_name]=\$'$zsh_code'\n"); } } else { die "Failed parsing line $line_num: '$_'"; } } $fh->close(); $outfh->print("\n"); $outfh->close(); move($tempfilename, $outfilename) or die "Failed moving temp file to $outfilename: $!"; } my $datafile = "emoji-data.txt"; my $zsh_def_file = "emoji-char-definitions.zsh"; process_emoji_data_file($datafile, $zsh_def_file); print "Updated definition file $zsh_def_file\n";