# Autocompletion for kubectl, the command line interface for Kubernetes # # Author: https://github.com/pstadler if [ $commands[kubectl] ]; then # Let kubectl load up the autocompletions source <(kubectl completion zsh) # This command is used ALOT both below and in daily life alias k=kubectl # Drop into an interactive terminal on a container alias keti='k exec -ti' # Manage configuration quickly to switch contexts between local, dev ad staging. alias kcgc='k config get-contexts' alias kcuc='k config use-context' alias kcsc='k config set-context' alias kcdc='k config delete-context' alias kccc='k config current-context' # Pod management. alias kgp='k get pods' alias kgpa='k get pods --all-namespaces' alias klp='k logs pods' alias kep='k edit pods' alias kdp='k describe pods' alias kdelp='k delete pods' # Service management. alias kgs='k get svc' alias kgsa='k get svc --all-namespaces' alias kes='k edit svc' alias kds='k describe svc' alias kdels='k delete svc' # Secret management alias kgsec='k get secret' alias kdsec='k describe secret' alias kdelsec='k delete secret' # Deployment management. alias kgd='k get deployment' alias ked='k edit deployment' alias kdd='k describe deployment' alias kdeld='k delete deployment' alias ksd='k scale deployment' alias krsd='k rollout status deployment' # Rollout management. alias kgrs='k get rs' alias krh='k rollout history' alias kru='k rollout undo' # Node management alias kgn='k get nodes' alias kdn='k describe nodes' # Port Forwarding alias kpf='k port-forward' else RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color printf "${RED}kubectl plugin loaded in .oh-my-zsh but cannot find kubectl binary in current PATH:\n $PATH${NC}" 1>&2 fi