# Usage: # Just add pip to your installed plugins. # If you would like to change the cheeseshops used for autocomplete set # ZSH_PIP_INDEXES in your zshrc. If one of your indexes are bogus you won't get # any kind of error message, pip will just not autocomplete from them. Double # check! # # If you would like to clear your cache, go ahead and do a # "zsh-pip-clear-cache". ZSH_PIP_CACHE_FILE=~/.pip/zsh-cache ZSH_PIP_INDEXES=(https://pypi.python.org/simple/) zsh-pip-clear-cache() { rm $ZSH_PIP_CACHE_FILE unset piplist } zsh-pip-clean-packages() { sed -nr '/([^<]+).*/\1/p' } zsh-pip-cache-packages() { if [[ ! -d ${PIP_CACHE_FILE:h} ]]; then mkdir -p ${PIP_CACHE_FILE:h} fi if [[ ! -f $ZSH_PIP_CACHE_FILE ]]; then echo -n "(...caching package index...)" tmp_cache=/tmp/zsh_tmp_cache for index in $ZSH_PIP_INDEXES ; do # well... I've already got two problems curl $index 2>/dev/null | \ zsh-pip-clean-packages \ >> $tmp_cache done sort $tmp_cache | uniq | tr '\n' ' ' > $ZSH_PIP_CACHE_FILE rm $tmp_cache fi } # A test function that validates the regex against known forms of the simple # index. If you modify the regex to make it work for you, you should add a test # case in here and make sure that your changes don't break things for someone # else. zsh-pip-test-clean-packages() { local expected local actual expected="0x10c-asm 1009558_nester" actual=$(echo -n "Simple Index 0x10c-asm
" | zsh-pip-clean-packages) if [[ $actual != $expected ]] ; then echo -e "python's simple index is broken:\n$actual\n !=\n$expected" else echo "python's simple index is fine" fi actual=$(echo -n ' Simple Package Index 0x10c-asm
' | zsh-pip-clean-packages) if [[ $actual != $expected ]] ; then echo -e "the djangopypi2 index is broken:\n$actual\n !=\n$expected" else echo "the djangopypi2 index is fine" fi }