From afed51e3d5282cfa66985133c3786000a6d1e4db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergey R Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 20:21:40 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] update lein --- plugins/lein/lein.plugin.zsh | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/lein/lein.plugin.zsh b/plugins/lein/lein.plugin.zsh index 11c92979..8952c262 100644 --- a/plugins/lein/lein.plugin.zsh +++ b/plugins/lein/lein.plugin.zsh @@ -5,32 +5,38 @@ function _lein_commands() { case $state in subcommand) subcommands=( - "classpath:print the classpath of the current project" - "clean:remove compiled files and dependencies from project" - "compile:ahead-of-time compile the project" - "deploy:build jar and deploy to remote repository" - "deps:download and install all dependencies" - "help:display a list of tasks or help for a given task" - "install:install the project and its dependencies in your local repository" - "int:enter an interactive task shell" - "interactive:enter an interactive task shell" - "jack-in:jack in to a clojure slime session from emacs." - "jar:create a jar file containing the compiled .class files" - "javac:compile java source files" - "new:create a new project skeleton" - "plugin:manage user-level plugins" - "pom:write a pom.xml file to disk for maven interop" - "repl:start a repl session either with the current project or standalone" - "retest:run only the test namespaces which failed last time around" - "run:run the project's -main function" - "search:search remote maven repositories for matching jars" - "swank:launch swank server for Emacs to connect" - "test:run the project's tests" - "test!:run a project's tests after cleaning and fetching dependencies" - "trampoline:run a task without nesting the project's JVM inside Leiningen's." - "uberjar:Create a jar including the contents of each of deps" - "upgrade:upgrade leiningen to the latest stable release" - "version:print leiningen's version" + "change:Rewrite project.clj by applying a function." + "check:Check syntax and warn on reflection." + "classpath:Print the classpath of the current project." + "clean:Remove all files from project's target-path." + "cljsbuild:Compile ClojureScript source into a JavaScript file." + "compile:Compile Clojure source into .class files." + "deploy:Build and deploy jar to remote repository." + "deps:Download all dependencies." + "do:Higher-order task to perform other tasks in succession." + "figwheel:Autocompile ClojureScript and serve the changes over a websocket (+ plus static file server)." + "help:Display a list of tasks or help for a given task." + "install:Install the current project to the local repository." + "jar:Package up all the project's files into a jar file." + "javac:Compile Java source files." + "minify-assets" + "new:Generate project scaffolding based on a template." + "plugin:DEPRECATED. Please use the :user profile instead." + "pom:Write a pom.xml file to disk for Maven interoperability." + "release:Perform :release-tasks." + "repl:Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone." + "retest:Run only the test namespaces which failed last time around." + "run:Run a -main function with optional command-line arguments." + "search:Search remote maven repositories for matching jars." + "show-profiles:List all available profiles or display one if given an argument." + "test:Run the project's tests." + "trampoline:Run a task without nesting the project's JVM inside Leiningen's." + "uberjar:Package up the project files and dependencies into a jar file." + "update-in:Perform arbitrary transformations on your project map." + "upgrade:Upgrade Leiningen to specified version or latest stable." + "vcs:Interact with the version control system." + "version:Print version for Leiningen and the current JVM." + "with-profile:Apply the given task with the profile(s) specified." ) _describe -t subcommands 'leiningen subcommands' subcommands && ret=0 esac