From 59e81b477c0db74313e678a4bcee34263bbf99de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: YUE YANG Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:42:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update stack.plugin.zsh The current stack version is 1.3.2 --- plugins/stack/stack.plugin.zsh | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/stack/stack.plugin.zsh b/plugins/stack/stack.plugin.zsh index a149208d..0b7cfbb8 100644 --- a/plugins/stack/stack.plugin.zsh +++ b/plugins/stack/stack.plugin.zsh @@ -5,28 +5,40 @@ function _stack_commands() { case $state in subcommand) subcommands=( - "build:Build the project(s) in this directory/configuration" - "install:Build executables and install to a user path" - "test:Build and test the project(s) in this directory/configuration" - "bench:Build and benchmark the project(s) in this directory/configuration" - "haddock:Generate haddocks for the project(s) in this directory/configuration" - "new:Create a brand new project" - "init:Initialize a stack project based on one or more stack packages" - "solver:Use a dependency solver to try and determine missing extra-deps" + "build:Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration" + "install:Shortcut for \'build --copy-bins\'" + "uninstall:DEPRECATED\: This command performs no actions, and is present for documentation only" + "test:Shortcut for \'build --test\'" + "bench:Shortcut for \'build --bench\'" + "haddock:Shortcut for \'build --haddock\'" + "new:Create a new project from a template. Run \`stack templates\' to see available templates." + "templates:List the templates available for \`stack new\'." + "init:Create stack project config from cabal or hpack package specifications" + "solver:Add missing extra-deps to stack project config" "setup:Get the appropriate ghc for your project" "path:Print out handy path information" "unpack:Unpack one or more packages locally" "update:Update the package index" - "upgrade:Upgrade to the latest stack (experimental)" + "upgrade:Upgrade to the latest stack" "upload:Upload a package to Hackage" + "sdist:Create source distribution tarballs" "dot:Visualize your project's dependency graph using Graphviz dot" - "exec:Execute a command" "ghc:Run ghc" - "ghci:Run ghci in the context of project(s)" - "ide:Run ide-backend-client with the correct arguments" + "hoogle:Run hoogle in the context of the current Stack config" + "exec:Execute a command" + "ghci:Run ghci in the context of project(s) (experimental)" + "repl:Run ghci in the context of package(s) (experimental) (alias for \'ghci\')" "runghc:Run runghc" + "runhaskell:Run runghc (alias for \'runghc\')" + "eval:Evaluate some haskell code inline. Shortcut for \'stack exec ghc -- -e CODE\'" "clean:Clean the local packages" + "list-dependencies:List the dependencies" + "query:Query general build information (experimental)" + "ide:IDE-specific commands" "docker:Subcommands specific to Docker use" + "config:Subcommands specific to modifying stack.yaml files" + "image:Subcommands specific to imaging" + "hpc:Subcommands specific to Haskell Program Coverage" ) _describe -t subcommands 'stack subcommands' subcommands && ret=0 esac