[WIP] Blacklist command #14

CptainObvious quer aplicar o merge de 1 commits de CptainObvious/occweb:master em master
First-time contributor

Implement a blacklist with command that we want to prevent being run from occweb like maintenance mode:on

Return a 403 forbidden with a json response

{ "error": "command blacklisted"} ```

The error message is formatted for term but nextcloud is escaping color code \u001b -> \\u001b in the response

Will see to move the formatting of the error in the js 
Implement a blacklist with command that we want to prevent being run from occweb like ```maintenance mode:on``` Return a 403 forbidden with a json response ``` { "error": "command blacklisted"} ``` The error message is formatted for term but nextcloud is escaping color code \u001b -> \\u001b in the response Will see to move the formatting of the error in the js

The blacklisted command is not correct (see occ docs): maintenance:mode --on.
I would change the error message to something more meaningful as "command not supported in occweb" with maybe a link to the docs.
In some cases, I think it can be useful in the future to be able to bypass the blacklist with --force and -f or a custom flag if not available.

The [blacklisted command](https://git.adphi.net/adphi/occweb/pulls/14/files#diff-c62a13695dd9007bbfeca860cb9f55cf0ab59beR30) is not correct (see [occ docs](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/18/admin_manual/configuration_server/occ_command.html#maintenance-commands)): `maintenance:mode --on`. I would change the [error message](https://git.adphi.net/adphi/occweb/pulls/14/files#diff-c62a13695dd9007bbfeca860cb9f55cf0ab59beR75) to something more meaningful as "command not supported in occweb" with maybe a link to the docs. In some cases, I think it can be useful in the future to be able to bypass the blacklist with `--force` and `-f` or a custom flag if not available.
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Referência: adphi/occweb#14
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