# GRequests A Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/levigross/grequests.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/levigross/grequests) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/levigross/grequests?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/levigross/grequests) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/levigross/grequests/badge.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/levigross/grequests) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/levigross/grequests](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/levigross/grequests?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) License ====== GRequests is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for the full license text Features ======== - Responses can be serialized into JSON and XML - Easy file uploads - Easy file downloads - Support for the following HTTP verbs `GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS` Install ======= `go get -u github.com/levigross/grequests` Usage ====== `import "github.com/levigross/grequests"` Basic Examples ========= Basic GET request: ```go resp, err := grequests.Get("http://httpbin.org/get", nil) // You can modify the request by passing an optional RequestOptions struct if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to make request: ", err) } fmt.Println(resp.String()) // { // "args": {}, // "headers": { // "Accept": "*/*", // "Host": "httpbin.org", ``` If an error occurs all of the other properties and methods of a `Response` will be `nil` Quirks ======= ## Request Quirks When passing parameters to be added to a URL, if the URL has existing parameters that *_contradict_* with what has been passed within `Params` – `Params` will be the "source of authority" and overwrite the contradicting URL parameter. Lets see how it works... ```go ro := &RequestOptions{ Params: map[string]string{"Hello": "Goodbye"}, } Get("http://httpbin.org/get?Hello=World", ro) // The URL is now http://httpbin.org/get?Hello=Goodbye ``` ## Response Quirks Order matters! This is because `grequests.Response` is implemented as an `io.ReadCloser` which proxies the *http.Response.Body* `io.ReadCloser` interface. It also includes an internal buffer for use in `Response.String()` and `Response.Bytes()`. Here are a list of methods that consume the *http.Response.Body* `io.ReadCloser` interface. - Response.JSON - Response.XML - Response.DownloadToFile - Response.Close - Response.Read The following methods make use of an internal byte buffer - Response.String - Response.Bytes In the code below, once the file is downloaded – the `Response` struct no longer has access to the request bytes ```go response := Get("http://some-wonderful-file.txt", nil) if err := response.DownloadToFile("randomFile"); err != nil { log.Println("Unable to download file: ", err) } // At this point the .String and .Bytes method will return empty responses response.Bytes() == nil // true response.String() == "" // true ``` But if we were to call `response.Bytes()` or `response.String()` first, every operation will succeed until the internal buffer is cleared: ```go response := Get("http://some-wonderful-file.txt", nil) // This call to .Bytes caches the request bytes in an internal byte buffer – which can be used again and again until it is cleared response.Bytes() == `file-bytes` response.String() == "file-string" // This will work because it will use the internal byte buffer if err := resp.DownloadToFile("randomFile"); err != nil { log.Println("Unable to download file: ", err) } // Now if we clear the internal buffer.... response.ClearInternalBuffer() // At this point the .String and .Bytes method will return empty responses response.Bytes() == nil // true response.String() == "" // true ``` # grequests `import "github.com/levigross/grequests"` * [Overview](#pkg-overview) * [Index](#pkg-index) * [Examples](#pkg-examples) ## Overview Package grequests implements a friendly API over Go's existing net/http library ## Index * [Variables](#pkg-variables) * [func BuildHTTPClient(ro RequestOptions) *http.Client](#BuildHTTPClient) * [func EnsureTransporterFinalized(httpTransport *http.Transport)](#EnsureTransporterFinalized) * [func FileUploadFromDisk(fileName string) ([]FileUpload, error)](#FileUploadFromDisk) * [func FileUploadFromGlob(fileSystemGlob string) ([]FileUpload, error)](#FileUploadFromGlob) * [type FileUpload](#FileUpload) * [type RequestOptions](#RequestOptions) * [type Response](#Response) * [func Delete(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Delete) * [func Get(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Get) * [func Head(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Head) * [func Options(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Options) * [func Patch(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Patch) * [func Post(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Post) * [func Put(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Put) * [func (r *Response) Bytes() []byte](#Response.Bytes) * [func (r *Response) ClearInternalBuffer()](#Response.ClearInternalBuffer) * [func (r *Response) Close() error](#Response.Close) * [func (r *Response) DownloadToFile(fileName string) error](#Response.DownloadToFile) * [func (r *Response) JSON(userStruct interface{}) error](#Response.JSON) * [func (r *Response) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)](#Response.Read) * [func (r *Response) String() string](#Response.String) * [func (r *Response) XML(userStruct interface{}, charsetReader XMLCharDecoder) error](#Response.XML) * [type Session](#Session) * [func NewSession(ro *RequestOptions) *Session](#NewSession) * [func (s *Session) CloseIdleConnections()](#Session.CloseIdleConnections) * [func (s *Session) Delete(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Delete) * [func (s *Session) Get(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Get) * [func (s *Session) Head(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Head) * [func (s *Session) Options(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Options) * [func (s *Session) Patch(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Patch) * [func (s *Session) Post(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Post) * [func (s *Session) Put(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error)](#Session.Put) * [type XMLCharDecoder](#XMLCharDecoder) #### Examples * [Package (AcceptInvalidTLSCert)](#example__acceptInvalidTLSCert) * [Package (BasicAuth)](#example__basicAuth) * [Package (BasicGet)](#example__basicGet) * [Package (BasicGetCustomHTTPClient)](#example__basicGetCustomHTTPClient) * [Package (Cookies)](#example__cookies) * [Package (CustomHTTPHeader)](#example__customHTTPHeader) * [Package (CustomUserAgent)](#example__customUserAgent) * [Package (DownloadFile)](#example__downloadFile) * [Package (PostFileUpload)](#example__postFileUpload) * [Package (PostForm)](#example__postForm) * [Package (PostJSONAJAX)](#example__postJSONAJAX) * [Package (PostXML)](#example__postXML) * [Package (Proxy)](#example__proxy) * [Package (Session)](#example__session) * [Package (UrlQueryParams)](#example__urlQueryParams) #### Package files [base.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/base.go) [file_upload.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/file_upload.go) [request.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/request.go) [response.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/response.go) [session.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/session.go) [utils.go](/src/github.com/levigross/grequests/utils.go) ## Variables ``` go var ( // ErrRedirectLimitExceeded is the error returned when the request responded // with too many redirects ErrRedirectLimitExceeded = errors.New("grequests: Request exceeded redirect count") // RedirectLimit is a tunable variable that specifies how many times we can // redirect in response to a redirect. This is the global variable, if you // wish to set this on a request by request basis, set it within the // `RequestOptions` structure RedirectLimit = 30 // SensitiveHTTPHeaders is a map of sensitive HTTP headers that a user // doesn't want passed on a redirect. This is the global variable, if you // wish to set this on a request by request basis, set it within the // `RequestOptions` structure SensitiveHTTPHeaders = map[string]struct{}{ "Www-Authenticate": {}, "Authorization": {}, "Proxy-Authorization": {}, } ) ``` ## func [BuildHTTPClient](/src/target/request.go?s=11478:11530#L405) ``` go func BuildHTTPClient(ro RequestOptions) *http.Client ``` BuildHTTPClient is a function that will return a custom HTTP client based on the request options provided the check is in UseDefaultClient ## func [EnsureTransporterFinalized](/src/target/utils.go?s=2482:2544#L79) ``` go func EnsureTransporterFinalized(httpTransport *http.Transport) ``` EnsureTransporterFinalized will ensure that when the HTTP client is GCed the runtime will close the idle connections (so that they won't leak) this function was adopted from Hashicorp's go-cleanhttp package ## func [FileUploadFromDisk](/src/target/file_upload.go?s=625:687#L14) ``` go func FileUploadFromDisk(fileName string) ([]FileUpload, error) ``` FileUploadFromDisk allows you to create a FileUpload struct slice by just specifying a location on the disk ## func [FileUploadFromGlob](/src/target/file_upload.go?s=1068:1136#L27) ``` go func FileUploadFromGlob(fileSystemGlob string) ([]FileUpload, error) ``` FileUploadFromGlob allows you to create a FileUpload struct slice by just specifying a glob location on the disk this function will gloss over all errors in the files and only upload the files that don't return errors from the glob ## type [FileUpload](/src/target/file_upload.go?s=162:512#L2) ``` go type FileUpload struct { // Filename is the name of the file that you wish to upload. We use this to guess the mimetype as well as pass it onto the server FileName string // FileContents is happy as long as you pass it a io.ReadCloser (which most file use anyways) FileContents io.ReadCloser // FieldName is form field name FieldName string } ``` FileUpload is a struct that is used to specify the file that a User wishes to upload. ## type [RequestOptions](/src/target/request.go?s=357:4258#L18) ``` go type RequestOptions struct { // Data is a map of key values that will eventually convert into the // query string of a GET request or the body of a POST request. Data map[string]string // Params is a map of query strings that may be used within a GET request Params map[string]string // QueryStruct is a struct that encapsulates a set of URL query params // this paramter is mutually exclusive with `Params map[string]string` (they cannot be combined) // for more information please see https://godoc.org/github.com/google/go-querystring/query QueryStruct interface{} // Files is where you can include files to upload. The use of this data // structure is limited to POST requests Files []FileUpload // JSON can be used when you wish to send JSON within the request body JSON interface{} // XML can be used if you wish to send XML within the request body XML interface{} // Headers if you want to add custom HTTP headers to the request, // this is your friend Headers map[string]string // InsecureSkipVerify is a flag that specifies if we should validate the // server's TLS certificate. It should be noted that Go's TLS verify mechanism // doesn't validate if a certificate has been revoked InsecureSkipVerify bool // DisableCompression will disable gzip compression on requests DisableCompression bool // UserAgent allows you to set an arbitrary custom user agent UserAgent string // Host allows you to set an arbitrary custom host Host string // Auth allows you to specify a user name and password that you wish to // use when requesting the URL. It will use basic HTTP authentication // formatting the username and password in base64 the format is: // []string{username, password} Auth []string // IsAjax is a flag that can be set to make the request appear // to be generated by browser Javascript IsAjax bool // Cookies is an array of `http.Cookie` that allows you to attach // cookies to your request Cookies []*http.Cookie // UseCookieJar will create a custom HTTP client that will // process and store HTTP cookies when they are sent down UseCookieJar bool // Proxies is a map in the following format // *protocol* => proxy address e.g http => Proxies map[string]*url.URL // TLSHandshakeTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time waiting to // wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no timeout. TLSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration // DialTimeout is the maximum amount of time a dial will wait for // a connect to complete. DialTimeout time.Duration // KeepAlive specifies the keep-alive period for an active // network connection. If zero, keep-alive are not enabled. DialKeepAlive time.Duration // RequestTimeout is the maximum amount of time a whole request(include dial / request / redirect) // will wait. RequestTimeout time.Duration // HTTPClient can be provided if you wish to supply a custom HTTP client // this is useful if you want to use an OAUTH client with your request. HTTPClient *http.Client // SensitiveHTTPHeaders is a map of sensitive HTTP headers that a user // doesn't want passed on a redirect. SensitiveHTTPHeaders map[string]struct{} // RedirectLimit is the acceptable amount of redirects that we should expect // before returning an error be default this is set to 30. You can change this // globally by modifying the `RedirectLimit` variable. RedirectLimit int // RequestBody allows you to put anything matching an `io.Reader` into the request // this option will take precedence over any other request option specified RequestBody io.Reader // CookieJar allows you to specify a special cookiejar to use with your request. // this option will take precedence over the `UseCookieJar` option above. CookieJar http.CookieJar // Context can be used to maintain state between requests https://golang.org/pkg/context/#Context Context context.Context } ``` RequestOptions is the location that of where the data ## type [Response](/src/target/response.go?s=181:806#L4) ``` go type Response struct { // Ok is a boolean flag that validates that the server returned a 2xx code Ok bool // This is the Go error flag – if something went wrong within the request, this flag will be set. Error error // We want to abstract (at least at the moment) the Go http.Response object away. So we are going to make use of it // internal but not give the user access RawResponse *http.Response // StatusCode is the HTTP Status Code returned by the HTTP Response. Taken from resp.StatusCode StatusCode int // Header is a net/http/Header structure Header http.Header // contains filtered or unexported fields } ``` Response is what is returned to a user when they fire off a request ### func [Delete](/src/target/base.go?s=1221:1283#L22) ``` go func Delete(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Delete takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Get](/src/target/base.go?s=300:359#L1) ``` go func Get(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Get takes 2 parameters and returns a Response Struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Head](/src/target/base.go?s=1841:1901#L38) ``` go func Head(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Head takes 2 parameters and returns a Response channel. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Options](/src/target/base.go?s=2151:2214#L46) ``` go func Options(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Options takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Patch](/src/target/base.go?s=910:971#L14) ``` go func Patch(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Patch takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Post](/src/target/base.go?s=1533:1593#L30) ``` go func Post(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Post takes 2 parameters and returns a Response channel. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func [Put](/src/target/base.go?s=604:663#L6) ``` go func Put(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Put takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil ### func (\*Response) [Bytes](/src/target/response.go?s=4298:4331#L169) ``` go func (r *Response) Bytes() []byte ``` Bytes returns the response as a byte array ### func (\*Response) [ClearInternalBuffer](/src/target/response.go?s=4920:4960#L198) ``` go func (r *Response) ClearInternalBuffer() ``` ClearInternalBuffer is a function that will clear the internal buffer that we use to hold the .String() and .Bytes() data. Once you have used these functions – you may want to free up the memory. ### func (\*Response) [Close](/src/target/response.go?s=1793:1825#L55) ``` go func (r *Response) Close() error ``` Close is part of our ability to support io.ReadCloser if someone wants to make use of the raw body ### func (\*Response) [DownloadToFile](/src/target/response.go?s=2018:2074#L67) ``` go func (r *Response) DownloadToFile(fileName string) error ``` DownloadToFile allows you to download the contents of the response to a file ### func (\*Response) [JSON](/src/target/response.go?s=3300:3353#L124) ``` go func (r *Response) JSON(userStruct interface{}) error ``` JSON is a method that will populate a struct that is provided `userStruct` with the JSON returned within the response body ### func (\*Response) [Read](/src/target/response.go?s=1551:1603#L45) ``` go func (r *Response) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) ``` Read is part of our ability to support io.ReadCloser if someone wants to make use of the raw body ### func (\*Response) [String](/src/target/response.go?s=4568:4602#L186) ``` go func (r *Response) String() string ``` String returns the response as a string ### func (\*Response) [XML](/src/target/response.go?s=2792:2874#L101) ``` go func (r *Response) XML(userStruct interface{}, charsetReader XMLCharDecoder) error ``` XML is a method that will populate a struct that is provided `userStruct` with the XML returned within the response body ## type [Session](/src/target/session.go?s=125:314#L1) ``` go type Session struct { // RequestOptions is global options RequestOptions *RequestOptions // HTTPClient is the client that we will use to request the resources HTTPClient *http.Client } ``` Session allows a user to make use of persistent cookies in between HTTP requests ### func [NewSession](/src/target/session.go?s=532:576#L8) ``` go func NewSession(ro *RequestOptions) *Session ``` NewSession returns a session struct which enables can be used to maintain establish a persistent state with the server This function will set UseCookieJar to true as that is the purpose of using the session ### func (\*Session) [CloseIdleConnections](/src/target/session.go?s=4738:4778#L124) ``` go func (s *Session) CloseIdleConnections() ``` CloseIdleConnections closes the idle connections that a session client may make use of ### func (\*Session) [Delete](/src/target/session.go?s=3120:3195#L88) ``` go func (s *Session) Delete(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Delete takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Get](/src/target/session.go?s=1776:1848#L58) ``` go func (s *Session) Get(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Get takes 2 parameters and returns a Response Struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Head](/src/target/session.go?s=4022:4095#L108) ``` go func (s *Session) Head(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Head takes 2 parameters and returns a Response channel. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Options](/src/target/session.go?s=4473:4549#L118) ``` go func (s *Session) Options(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Options takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Patch](/src/target/session.go?s=2668:2742#L78) ``` go func (s *Session) Patch(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Patch takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Post](/src/target/session.go?s=3573:3646#L98) ``` go func (s *Session) Post(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Post takes 2 parameters and returns a Response channel. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ### func (\*Session) [Put](/src/target/session.go?s=2221:2293#L68) ``` go func (s *Session) Put(url string, ro *RequestOptions) (*Response, error) ``` Put takes 2 parameters and returns a Response struct. These two options are: 1. A URL 2. A RequestOptions struct If you do not intend to use the `RequestOptions` you can just pass nil A new session is created by calling NewSession with a request options struct ## type [XMLCharDecoder](/src/target/utils.go?s=1529:1605#L42) ``` go type XMLCharDecoder func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) ``` XMLCharDecoder is a helper type that takes a stream of bytes (not encoded in UTF-8) and returns a reader that encodes the bytes into UTF-8. This is done because Go's XML library only supports XML encoded in UTF-8 - - - Generated by [godoc2md](http://godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/godoc2md)