package grequests import "testing" func TestErrorOpenFile(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromDisk("I am Not A File") if err == nil { t.Error("We are not getting an error back from our non existent file: ") } if fd != nil { t.Error("We actually got back a pointer: ", fd) } } func TestGLOBFiles(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromGlob("testdata/*") if err != nil { t.Error("Got an invalid GLOB: ", err) } if len(fd) != 2 { t.Error("Some how we have more than two files in our glob", len(fd), fd) } } func TestInvalidGlob(t *testing.T) { if _, err := FileUploadFromGlob("[-]"); err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the glob worked") } } func TestNoGlobFiles(t *testing.T) { if _, err := FileUploadFromGlob("notapath"); err == nil { t.Error("Somehow got a valid GLOB") } } func TestGlobWithDir(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromGlob("*test*") if err != nil { t.Error("Glob failed", err) } for _, f := range fd { if f.FileName == "test_files" { t.Error(f, "is a dir (which cannot be uploaded)") } } }