package grequests import ( "bytes" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io" "math" "net/url" "os" "strings" "testing" ) type BasicPostResponse struct { Args struct{} `json:"args"` Data string `json:"data"` Files struct{} `json:"files"` Form struct { One string `json:"one"` } `json:"form"` Headers struct { Accept string `json:"Accept"` ContentLength string `json:"Content-Length"` ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"` Host string `json:"Host"` UserAgent string `json:"User-Agent"` } `json:"headers"` JSON interface{} `json:"json"` Origin string `json:"origin"` URL string `json:"url"` } type BasicPostJSONResponse struct { Args struct{} `json:"args"` Data string `json:"data"` Files struct{} `json:"files"` Form struct{} `json:"form"` Headers struct { AcceptEncoding string `json:"Accept-Encoding"` ContentLength string `json:"Content-Length"` ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"` Host string `json:"Host"` UserAgent string `json:"User-Agent"` XRequestedWith string `json:"X-Requested-With"` } `json:"headers"` JSON struct { One string `json:"One"` } `json:"json"` Origin string `json:"origin"` URL string `json:"url"` } type BasicMultiFileUploadResponse struct { Args struct{} `json:"args"` Data string `json:"data"` Files struct { File1 string `json:"file1"` File2 string `json:"file2"` } `json:"files"` Form struct { One string `json:"One"` } `json:"form"` Headers struct { AcceptEncoding string `json:"Accept-Encoding"` ContentLength string `json:"Content-Length"` ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"` Host string `json:"Host"` UserAgent string `json:"User-Agent"` } `json:"headers"` JSON interface{} `json:"json"` Origin string `json:"origin"` URL string `json:"url"` } type BasicPostFileUpload struct { Args struct{} `json:"args"` Data string `json:"data"` Files struct { File string `json:"file"` } `json:"files"` Form struct { One string `json:"one"` } `json:"form"` Headers struct { AcceptEncoding string `json:"Accept-Encoding"` ContentLength string `json:"Content-Length"` ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"` Host string `json:"Host"` UserAgent string `json:"User-Agent"` } `json:"headers"` JSON interface{} `json:"json"` Origin string `json:"origin"` URL string `json:"url"` } type XMLPostMessage struct { Name string Age int Height int } type dataAndErrorBuffer struct { err error bytes.Buffer } func (dataAndErrorBuffer) Close() error { return nil } func (r dataAndErrorBuffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return 0, r.err } func TestBasicPostRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}}) verifyOkPostResponse(resp, t) } func TestBasicRegularPostRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, err := Post("", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}}) if err != nil { t.Error("Cannot post: ", err) } verifyOkPostResponse(resp, t) } func TestBasicPostRequestInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, Params: map[string]string{"1": "2"}}) if resp.Error == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestBasicPostRequestInvalidURLNoParams(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}}) if resp.Error == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestSessionPostRequestInvalidURLNoParams(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) if _, err := session.Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}}); err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestXMLPostRequestInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{XML: XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1}}) if resp.Error == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestXMLSessionPostRequestInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) _, err := session.Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{XML: XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1}}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestBasicPostJsonRequestInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { _, err := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{JSON: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestSessionPostJsonRequestInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) _, err := session.Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{JSON: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } } func TestBasicPostJsonRequestInvalidJSON(t *testing.T) { resp, err := Post("", &RequestOptions{JSON: math.NaN(), IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } if resp.Ok == true { t.Error("Somehow the request is OK") } } func TestSessionPostJsonRequestInvalidJSON(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) resp, err := session.Post("", &RequestOptions{JSON: math.NaN(), IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } if resp.Ok == true { t.Error("Somehow the request is OK") } } func TestBasicPostJsonRequestInvalidXML(t *testing.T) { resp, err := Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: map[string]string{"One": "two"}, IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } if resp.Ok == true { t.Error("Somehow the request is OK") } } func TestSessionPostJsonRequestInvalidXML(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) resp, err := session.Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: map[string]string{"One": "two"}, IsAjax: true}) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow the request went through") } if resp.Ok == true { t.Error("Somehow the request is OK") } } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromDisk("testdata/mypassword") if err != nil { t.Error("Unable to open file: ", err) } defer fd[0].FileContents.Close() resp, _ := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{ Files: fd, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if resp.Error == nil { t.Fatal("Somehow able to make the request") } } func TestSessionPostRequestUploadInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) fd, err := FileUploadFromDisk("testdata/mypassword") if err != nil { t.Error("Unable to open file: ", err) } defer fd[0].FileContents.Close() _, err = session.Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{ Files: fd, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Somehow able to make the request") } } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadInvalidFileUpload(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{ Files: []FileUpload{{FileName: `\x00%'"üfdsufhid\Ä\"D\\\"JS%25//'"H•\\\\'"¶•ªç∂\uf8\x8AKÔÓÔ`, FileContents: nil}}, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if resp.Error == nil { t.Fatal("Somehow able to make the request") } } func TestSessionPostRequestUploadInvalidFileUpload(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) _, err := session.Post("%../dir/", &RequestOptions{ Files: []FileUpload{{FileName: "üfdsufhidÄDJSHAKÔÓÔ", FileContents: nil}}, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Somehow able to make the request") } } func TestXMLPostRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1}}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } myXMLStruct := &XMLPostMessage{} xml.Unmarshal([]byte(myJSONStruct.Data), myXMLStruct) if myXMLStruct.Age != 1 { t.Errorf("Unable to serialize XML response from within JSON %#v ", myXMLStruct) } } func TestXMLPostRequestReaderBody(t *testing.T) { msg := XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1} derBytes, err := xml.Marshal(msg) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to marshal XML", err) } resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{RequestBody: bytes.NewReader(derBytes)}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } myXMLStruct := &XMLPostMessage{} xml.Unmarshal([]byte(myJSONStruct.Data), myXMLStruct) if myXMLStruct.Age != 1 { t.Errorf("Unable to serialize XML response from within JSON %#v ", myXMLStruct) } } func TestXMLMarshaledStringPostRequest(t *testing.T) { xmlStruct := XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1} encoded, _ := xml.Marshal(xmlStruct) resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: string(encoded)}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to response to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.Data != string(encoded) { t.Error("Response is not valid", myJSONStruct.Data, string(encoded)) } } func TestXMLMarshaledBytesPostRequest(t *testing.T) { xmlStruct := XMLPostMessage{Name: "Human", Age: 1, Height: 1} encoded, _ := xml.Marshal(xmlStruct) resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: encoded}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to response to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.Data != string(encoded) { t.Error("Response is not valid", myJSONStruct.Data, string(encoded)) } } func TestXMLNilPostRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{XML: nil}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to response to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.Data != "" { t.Error("Response is not valid", myJSONStruct.Data) } } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadErrorReader(t *testing.T) { var rd dataAndErrorBuffer rd.err = fmt.Errorf("Random Error") _, err := Post("", &RequestOptions{ Files: []FileUpload{{FileName: "Random.test", FileContents: rd}}, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if err == nil { t.Error("Somehow our test didn't fail...") } } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadErrorEOFReader(t *testing.T) { var rd dataAndErrorBuffer rd.err = io.EOF _, err := Post("", &RequestOptions{ Files: []FileUpload{{FileName: "Random.test", FileContents: rd}}, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if err != nil { t.Error("Somehow our test didn't fail... ", err) } } func TestBasicPostRequestUpload(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromDisk("testdata/mypassword") if err != nil { t.Error("Unable to open file: ", err) } resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{ Files: fd, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostFileUpload{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.Files.File != "saucy sauce" { t.Error("File upload contents have been modified: ", myJSONStruct.Files.File) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Form.One != "Two" { t.Error("Unable to parse form properly", myJSONStruct.Form) } } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadWithMime(t *testing.T) { fd, err := os.Open("testdata/mypassword") if err != nil { t.Error("Unable to open file: ", err) } resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{ Files: []FileUpload{{FileContents: fd, FileMime: "text/plain"}}, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostFileUpload{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.Files.File != "saucy sauce" { t.Error("File upload contents have been modified: ", myJSONStruct.Files.File) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Form.One != "Two" { t.Error("Unable to parse form properly", myJSONStruct.Form) } // TODO: Ensure file field contains correct content-type, field, and // filename information as soon as // gets merged // (Or figure out a way to test this case the PR is rejected) } func TestBasicPostRequestUploadMultipleFiles(t *testing.T) { fd, err := FileUploadFromGlob("testdata/*") if err != nil { t.Error("Unable to glob file: ", err) } resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{ Files: fd, Data: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, }) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicMultiFileUploadResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.Files.File2 != "saucy sauce" { t.Error("File upload contents have been modified: ", myJSONStruct.Files.File2) } if myJSONStruct.Files.File1 != "I am just here to test the glob" { t.Error("File upload contents have been modified: ", myJSONStruct.Files.File1) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Form.One != "Two" { t.Error("Unable to parse form properly", myJSONStruct.Form) } } func TestBasicPostJsonBytesRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{JSON: []byte(`{"One":"Two"}`), IsAjax: true}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.JSON.One != "Two" { t.Error("Invalid post response: ", myJSONStruct.JSON.One) } if strings.TrimSpace(myJSONStruct.Data) != `{"One":"Two"}` { t.Error("JSON not properly returned: ", myJSONStruct.Data) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith != "XMLHttpRequest" { t.Error("Invalid requested header: ", myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith) } } func TestBasicPostJsonStringRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{JSON: `{"One":"Two"}`, IsAjax: true}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.JSON.One != "Two" { t.Error("Invalid post response: ", myJSONStruct.JSON.One) } if strings.TrimSpace(myJSONStruct.Data) != `{"One":"Two"}` { t.Error("JSON not properly returned: ", myJSONStruct.Data) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith != "XMLHttpRequest" { t.Error("Invalid requested header: ", myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith) } } func TestBasicPostJsonRequest(t *testing.T) { resp, _ := Post("", &RequestOptions{JSON: map[string]string{"One": "Two"}, IsAjax: true}) if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostJSONResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.JSON.One != "Two" { t.Error("Invalid post response: ", myJSONStruct.JSON.One) } if strings.TrimSpace(myJSONStruct.Data) != `{"One":"Two"}` { t.Error("JSON not properly returned: ", myJSONStruct.Data) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } if myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith != "XMLHttpRequest" { t.Error("Invalid requested header: ", myJSONStruct.Headers.XRequestedWith) } } func TestPostSession(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) resp, err := session.Get("", &RequestOptions{Params: map[string]string{"one": "two"}}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Cannot set cookie: ", err) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } resp, err = session.Get("", &RequestOptions{Params: map[string]string{"two": "three"}}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Cannot set cookie: ", err) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } resp, err = session.Get("", &RequestOptions{Params: map[string]string{"three": "four"}}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Cannot set cookie: ", err) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } resp, err = session.Post("", &RequestOptions{Data: map[string]string{"one": "two"}}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Cannot set cookie: ", err) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } cookieURL, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Error("We (for some reason) cannot parse the cookie URL") } if len(session.HTTPClient.Jar.Cookies(cookieURL)) != 3 { t.Error("Invalid number of cookies provided: ", session.HTTPClient.Jar.Cookies(cookieURL)) } for _, cookie := range session.HTTPClient.Jar.Cookies(cookieURL) { switch cookie.Name { case "one": if cookie.Value != "two" { t.Error("Cookie value is not valid", cookie) } case "two": if cookie.Value != "three" { t.Error("Cookie value is not valid", cookie) } case "three": if cookie.Value != "four" { t.Error("Cookie value is not valid", cookie) } default: t.Error("We should not have any other cookies: ", cookie) } } } // verifyResponse will verify the following conditions // 1. The request didn't return an error // 2. The response returned an OK (a status code within the 200 range) // 3. The output can be coerced to JSON (this may change later) // It should only be run when testing GET request to expecting JSON func verifyOkPostResponse(resp *Response, t *testing.T) *BasicPostResponse { if resp.Error != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to make request", resp.Error) } if resp.Ok != true { t.Error("Request did not return OK") } myJSONStruct := &BasicPostResponse{} if err := resp.JSON(myJSONStruct); err != nil { t.Error("Unable to coerce to JSON", err) } if myJSONStruct.URL != "" { t.Error("For some reason the URL isn't the same", myJSONStruct.URL) } if myJSONStruct.Headers.Host != "" { t.Error("The host header is invalid") } if myJSONStruct.Form.One != "Two" { t.Errorf("Invalid post response: %#v", myJSONStruct.Form) } if resp.Bytes() != nil { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (Bytes)", resp.Bytes()) } if resp.String() != "" { t.Error("JSON decoding did not fully consume the response stream (String)", resp.String()) } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { t.Error("Response returned a non-200 code") } return myJSONStruct } func TestPostInvalidURLSession(t *testing.T) { session := NewSession(nil) if _, err := session.Post("%../dir/", nil); err == nil { t.Error("Some how the request was valid to make request ", err) } }