package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" ) // Flags. var migrateMirror bool var migratePrivate bool func unusableUsage() { fmt.Println("Please argue me / ") } // migrateCmd represents the migrate command var migrateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Aliases: []string{"m"}, Use: "migrate, m", Short: "Migrate a repository from a given remote source.", Example: ` gogs repo migrate irstacks/copycat gogs repo migrate myCompany/copycat `, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var opts gogs.MigrateRepoOption if len(args) != 2 { unusableUsage() return } ownerSlashReponame := args[0] migrateUrl := args[1] // irstacks/my-copy-cat --> [irstacks, my-copy-cat] ownernameReponame := strings.Split(ownerSlashReponame, "/") if len(ownernameReponame) != 2 { unusableUsage() return } // get "userId" for owner name from extracurricular function... // if the user return err, then we'll need to check if an organization was intended. // this is an inconvenience by gogs api client. they should more explicity specify ownership // in the migrateRepoOptions. user, err := getUserByName(ownernameReponame[0]) if err != nil { // I don't think it actually ever goes here... // which means getUserByName works as well for orgs. huh. fmt.Println(err) fmt.Println("Searching for an org by than name...") org, oerr := GetClient().GetOrg(ownernameReponame[0]) if oerr != nil { fmt.Println("Could find neither user nor org by by the name: ", ownernameReponame[0]) fmt.Println(err) return } else { opts.UID = int(org.ID) } } else { opts.UID = int(user.ID) } opts.CloneAddr = migrateUrl opts.RepoName = ownernameReponame[1] opts.Mirror = migrateMirror opts.Private = migratePrivate repo, err := GetClient().MigrateRepo(opts) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("Repo migrated! Woohoo!") printRepo(repo) }, } func init() { repoCmd.AddCommand(migrateCmd) migrateCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&migrateMirror, "mirror", "m", false, " make your migrated repo a mirror of the original") migrateCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&migratePrivate, "private", "p", false, " make your migrated repo private") }