# Gogs CLI ([Forked from go-gogs-cli](https://github.com/rotblauer/go-gogs-cli)) Accesses the [Gogs Client API](https://github.com/gogits/go-gogs-client), which is currently available exclusively on [Gogs' `develop` branch](https://github.com/gogits/gogs/tree/develop). > [Cobra](https://github.com/spf13/cobra) & [Viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper) go packages handle the hard work for the CLI interface. ## Setup. ```bash go get go.adphi.net/gogs-cli/... go install go.adphi.net/gogs-cli/cmd/gogs ``` ## Config. Once you've got the project, you'll need to configure your own `GOGS_TOKEN` and `GOGS_URL` variables.
You can use a file called `.gogs.yaml` that likes to live at `$HOME/.gogs.yaml`. It handles configuring your __Gogs url__ and __token__, like such: ```yaml GOGS_TOKEN: 0e6709o05da4753dddf5f592374fdc263f02n801 GOGS_URL: http://my.goggers.me ``` Make that file (there's an example in the repo) and fill that in for your own self.

__Or__, if you'd rather use environment variables, that'll work fine too. ```bash export GOGS_TOKEN=asdlfj239r029fzsfasf923r23f export GOGS_URL=http://my.goggers.me ``` ## Usage. So far, you can do things. What's that? You can _do things_? Yep! Do things! ```shell # Create basic: $ gogs repo create wheres-waldo # Create a repo owned by you. # Create fancy: $ gogs repo create Gophers/wheres-waldo --desc='awesome stuff' --private $ gogs repo create where-waldo -r origin # [Aliases] for create. $ gogs repo [create|new|c|n] # [Options] for create. # [-d | --desc] # Description # [-p | --private] # Make repo private # [-r | --add-remote] # Add newly created gogs repo as a remote to your current git dir, initalizing git if necessary ``` ```shell # Migrate: $ gogs repo migrate /mirror-mirror https://github.com/gogits/gogs.git # [Aliases] for migrate $ gogs repo [migrate|m] # [Options] for migrate # [-m | --mirror] # Make it a mirror of the original. # [-p | --private] # Make it private. ``` ```shell # List basic: $ gogs repo list # Get all yo repos. # [Aliases] $ gogs repo [list|l] ``` ```shell # Search basic: $ gogs repo search waldo # Search public repos for keyword 'waldo'. # Search fancy: $ gogs repo search waldo --limit 1 --user thatguy # [Aliases] for search. $ gogs repo [search|find|s|f] # [Options] for search. # [-l | --limit] # Limit results # [-u | --user] # By user, required if you want to search private repos ``` ```shell # Destroy basic: $ gogs repo destroy irstacks my-exterminable-repo $ gogs repo destroy irstacks/my-other-exterminable-repo # [Aliases] for destroy. $ gogs repo [destroy|delete|d|rid] ``` ```shell # Help?! # Add --help after any command to see what's up, ie. $ gogs --help $ gogs repo --help $ gogs repo create --help # and so on... ```

__Oh, you're hot shit and use n > 1 Gogs?__ _Sweet_.
You can override your api and token by flagging a config file with the `--config` flag (like such) ```bash $ gogs --config="$HOME/sneaky/place/.gogs.yaml" repo create newjunk ```
or, override your api url and token individually on the fly with flags `--token` and `--url` for any command, like so: ```bash $ gogs --url=http://some.other.company --token=qo23ransdlfknaw3oijr2323rasldf repo search waldo ```

You may have noticed that we're pretty heavy on the `gogs repo` and pretty light on the `gogs somethingelse` side of things. The [Gogs Client API](https://github.com/gogits/go-gogs-client) makes a bunch of endpoints and methods accessible for Users, Organizations, Issues, Admins, and so forth (although it's still very much a work in progress). Myself, I mostly just want to be able to create, search, and destroy like a fiend. If you would :heart: something and are unable to help yourself, let me know by opening an issue.