# go-repo *go-repo* is a simple golang repository hosting web app, heavily inspired by [go.uber.org](https://go.uber.org). It allows hosting go modules with custom import names. Example : ```bash $ go get go.adphi.net/go-repo ``` instead of ```bash $ go get git.adphi.net/adphi/go-repo ``` ## Installation ```bash $ docker pull adphi/go-repo ``` ## Deployment An example Kubernetes deployment is available in [the deploy directory](deploy/deploy.yml). ## Usage ```bash $ go-repo Usage: go-repo [config] [flags] Examples: go-repo config.yml Flags: -a, --address string The server address (default ":8888") -h, --help help for go-repo --logs-level string (default "info") ``` An example config file: ```yaml modules: - import: go.adphi.net/go-repo repository: git.adphi.net/adphi/go-repo readme: git.adphi.net/adphi/go-repo/raw/master/README.md ``` The config file is reloaded on changes Run the app: ```bash $ go-repo config.yml ``` ## Screenshots The origin display the available packages index ![index](screenshots/index.png) The details page display the README.md from configuration ![details](screenshots/details.png)